A Telemarken Harvest Scene Near Saude

A Telemarken Harvest Scene near Saude, Norway.
In southern Norway, between the fiord district and Oslo lies the Telemarken, one of the most beautiful districts in Norway. It is located entirely in the county or amt of Bratsberg and includes uplands, lakes and rolling lowlands with many small hills. It is in Telemarken that we come upon this harvest scene at the close of day as shadows lengthen.

From spring until fall there have been busy days for the Norwegian farmer and his family. Everyone has had to help. First the crops must be planted, then they must be cared for while they are growing. Food must be grown for the farmer's family, also for the farm animals. Corn and wheat cannot be grown here for they need dry, sunny weather. Oats and barley are the grains the Norwegian farmer raises, and potatoes, turnips and carrots the vegetables. Norway and the southern countries of Greece, Albania, Portugal and Estonia are the only countries in Europe which grow no sugar beets. Norway has too little sun, the southern countries too much.

Because the farms are small and the land hilly, farming machinery is very little used. The harvesting of the grain is all done by hand. The men cut it with scythes and the women rake it into sheaves and help to hang it on poles set in rows as you see here. It is necessary to do this so that the sun and air can dry the grain quickly.

Life on the best of Norway's farms means a great deal of hard work in which the women and girls share. The daughters of a thrifty farmer are expected to work in the fields during the harvest season just as if they were men.

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