An Air View of the Memorial

An Air View of the Beautiful Lincoln Memorial, Washington, D.C.
From hundreds of feet in the air our capital city of Washington looks like a beautiful mosaic. In the distance we recognize the dome of the Capitol while nearer to us rises the impressive Washington Monument. Between the Capitol and the Monument is the Mall. This is a park-like area in which are situated at the left the New National Museum and at the right the old National Museum, the Smithsonian Institution, the Freer Gallery and the Medical Museum.

Along Constitution Avenue, to the left of and beyond Washington Monument, can be seen the famous Federal Triangle. At the right of the Washington Monument we see part of the Tidal Basin while the long narrow panel in front of the Monument is the Reflecting Pool. The rows of low, parallel structures at the left are the Navy and Munitions buildings.

The object which draws our attention irresistibly, however, is the beautiful Lincoln Memorial, the structure before us. Like a superb Greek temple it rises from a small knoll beside the Potomac River. At the right, leading from the Memorial is the new Memorial Bridge that connects the District of Columbia with Arlington Cemetery. At the left is the new boulevard that leads to downtown Washington. Steps lead down to the edge of the river.

The Lincoln Memorial is built entirely of white Colorado marble. Its colonnade is symbolical, the thirty-six Doric columns representing the thirty-sic states that were in existence when Lincoln was president. The Memorial was dedicated in 1922 and is one of the noblest structures in Washington.

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